Sunday, September 27, 2009

Scrapbooking: God's Good Gifts

My first foray into scrapbooking. Last May I completed a Bible study called God's Good Gifts based on blessings from God.

ME....various pictures of me through the years....

Church.....a picture of one of my Sunday School classes at Red Oak First Baptist and an old bulletin. A picture of First Baptist College Park where David and I were married.

On this page.....images from First Baptist Lithia Springs. Participating in the Hanging of the Green service, the church history blog, me with some of the kids at Vacation Bible School, and Christy McKoy, Antonette Mitchell and I at the Loving Well event in March, 2009.
Home.....a picture of our home and some of the things we have done in it.

Pictures that remind me of Peace in Christ.....

Fun.....lots of fun pictures including vacation pictures.

Freedom in Christ.....I chose to use various freedoms I have. The Freedom to of David and the kids. Freedom to hold onto the teachings of Jesus.

On this page freedom to serve others....I included some of the fliers for the events I planned for the women's ministry and the bulletin boards I designed, and freedom from sin and death.....a picture of Rachel from behind.....
God's World....lots of nature pictures.

My purpose: I took a spiritual gifts test online and came up with the following as my top gifts.......These really came as no surprise. Writing, Administration, Encouragement, Faith, Discernment, Hospitality, Leadership, and Teaching.

Children......lots of pictures of Rachel and Matt through the years and even my other children....Micah, Adam, and Seth.

Sisters....that's Karen and I with our yearly underwear picture....on our heads at Christmas time....I'm huge because I was pregant with Rachel. The next image is Mom, Karen, and I at the beach. Then my TRUe Friends group.

Karen and I in front of the Christmas tree many years ago, my bridesmaids and I, and the members of my Bible study.....

Family.....lots of family pictures.

After looking over the study topics Michelle and I decided to add a page for our husbands. Aren't they blessings as well? At the top is David holding Matt a few days after he was born, a picture of him in the US Navy, clowning around with his brother last Christmas, with his groomsmen the night before our marriage, getting into the car as we left the church, standing with his father, sitting with Matt and Chris at Daddy's, and clowning around with Rachel.

So many pictures here: David and Matt on his 1st birthday, David-Dad-and I when we were dating in 1978, at our wedding, heading out to a Deacon's dinner, David at last year's trunk or treat at church, giving a devotion during Upward Basketball, cooking at a men's ministry dinner, cooking in our kitchen, and at mom's apartment on her couch.

My Relationship With God.....I interpreted this to mean I am a bridge of Christ. That's a picture of me on my wedding day....July 28, 1984.

These are pictures of me 25 years later....wearing my wedding gown. I liked the then and now contrast.....I was a bride of Christ then....and now.

Another page Michelle and I added to the study at the suggestions of her son, Jonah. It was a study reflection. I used a little white embossed bag on the left to hold my letter that I wrote regarding what the study meant to me. On the right is an image I found resembles what the Holy Spirit looks like to me. After I read the novel, The Shack, the image took on even more meaning....

The final page is a list of all the topics for the study.