Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Pa Land's House...Days Gone By

Cousin Ray emailed these pictures to me. Mike and Pa Land are in the back and Mike's children round out the front row...Ray, Jeff, and Adrian. Granny Land's house is in the background and they are standing across the road from Pa's house.

Daddy (John) and Ray are on the red tractor. When Dad brought this tractor home to Red Oak it was a mess. It was a pile of junk. He restored it fully, and it was a beautiful machine. All the kids loved to get a ride with Daddy on the tractor.

One day when I get enough of these pictures posted I'll have string together all of the ones with Daddy and kid on a tractor or golfcart. It's a Land Family tradition. This is again across the road from Pa Land's and Granny Land's (Amanda) house is in background along with the well. All that's left as I write this today is the big tree.

Here is Jeff in Pa Land's front yard looking towards Granny's. Notice all the cars. We always parked across the street from Pa's.

Ray on his bike in front of Pa's. This is how I remember my grandfather's house....not like it is today. This was back in the day when the grandkids could bring their bike and the moms weren't too afraid of cars because you could hear them coming a pretty far piece off.'s dangerous to walk across the road to garden.

1 Comment:

Lynda Land Ponder said...

Thank you so much for posting the photos of the Land family. Those are memories to be cherished for a lifetime.

Lynda Land Ponder
Daughter of Walton & Willamae Land