Saturday, June 6, 2009

Birthday and Mother's Day Cards

Here are some of the lovely cards I received for my birthday and Mother's Day.....sorta one and the same since I was actually born on Mother's Day....

If you click on each image you can enlarge it to read.

This one is from of the TRUe Girls:

This one is from Antonette. I didn't trim if real close when I scanned it because it had feathery--boa looking stuff on the edge and I wanted it to show up.

This card is handmade and so special. Michelle made it and had actually shown it to me during our scrapbooking Bible study, but didn't let on it was for me. The little tabs on the side are made of folded ribbon.
Michelle has a blog here and here.

This card is from Barbara and Allen. I liked the verse found on the inside.

This was the card the TRUe Girls and their husbands gave me. We went out to eat at Olive Garden to kick off our new Bible study and decided to bring the men along. I didn't know it, but the meal was also for my birthday. They passed the card around under the table so everyone could sign it.

This card is from my sister and she embellished it with little comments that only she and I know the whole story about. Leave it to her....she always finds the right card for every occasion.

and of course, I had a lovely card from from husband.

and of course....while Karen shopped for the perfect birthday card she found the most perfect Mother's Day card as well.

My card from Bill and Juanita....with my "present" tucked inside for a little shopping later.