Jessica took all of these pictures. She was able to get several shots I didn't. Here is Daddy coming in the door.

I'm so glad she was able to get a shot of me hugging Daddy.

Karen....right after her hug.
Becky....after her hug.

Karen getting her hug.

Cousin Mike (far right) with his clan....His son, Ray is standing next to him and his daughter Adrienne is second from the left.

Cousin Marsha, Kinny, and their daughter Amy.

Karen and I with Aunt Claudine and her daughter Gail.

Daddy and Aunt Claudine trading stories.

Guess who?

Daddy with Jr. and Louise.

Mrs. Haygood and her daughter-in-law, Dee.
Chris taking our precious video. Thank you, Chris!

From l-r.....Joel, Jessica, Nathan, Karen, little Jake, and J.C.

From l-r...Charlie, his wife, their baby, David, Becky, Roddy, and Emily
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