Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Our Ms. Gwen and That Other Guy, Too

No....I swear....There's No Dirty Towels Upstairs...

Everything Is OK

Rachel and GranNana

Christmas Day......I may have to come back in and edit the year later....
Rachel is wearing an outfit Karen made for her. It had a little vest and a head band too. This is one of the last times Mom was in our house. Rachel's busy...on the phone.

Wedding Shower, June 1984

I believe this was made at a wedding shower for me given by three of the four ladies in the back. On the back row from left to right is Sara Fauscett, Dot Casey, and Jackie Davis. They gave the shower. Also on the back row is Janet Holcomb, Chris' mother.
On the front row is Juanita Cooper, THE BRIDE, and Geri Land.
I can't even remember where this shower was. Help!

Student Life, 2007

Rachel just got back from her second trip this summer with the youth from church. They went to Student Life in Chattanooga, Tn.

From left to right: Emma Head, Katie Joiner, and Rachel

Pretty fair looking girls, don't you think?

The Blanton "Sisters" Plus One

Mom, Aunt Dee, Aunt Nelle, Aunt Blanche in the back, Aunt Claudine in the pink, and the gentleman is Tom Hill, their cousin. This was taken at Mother's apartment in Stockbridge in 1998. J.R. was already in the nursing home and his wife couldn't make the trip down from Canton.

Yet Another Tractor of Dad's...

Cousin Ray is driving with Jeff on the side. Adrian is in the back and way in the back sitting on the bush hog or sled is me. I guess I was the babysitter....This was taken at the corn crib at Pa Land's.

What Event Was This?

I believe these two pictures were from different events, but I'm assuming they were taken at Pa Land's house. That's me, I think...standing behind Jeff with my mouth open.
This was on Pa Land's front step. I've sat there crying like that too.

There's No Sibling Rivalry Here....

Taken at Nanny and Papa Cooper's 2007